
英語エッセイ部門 最優秀賞
Abduction is not just a matter of Japan and North Korea: It is a global issue
11th grade, Tokyo Metropolitan Kokusai High School

North Korea's abductions of Japanese nationals have long been an outstanding issue between the two countries. According to the Japanese government, 17 Japanese citizens are identified as abduction victims. Five of them were repatriated in 2002 after then-North Korean leader Kim Jong Il admitted to the abductions. The abductees are allegedly compelled to train North Korean spies with the Japanese language, customs and culture. Abduction is a deprivation of human rights and freedom, and it reflects Pyongyang's contempt toward humanity and the international community.

Amid a lack of tangible progress of the issue, Japan lost one of the strongest advocates this year. Shigeru Yokota , the father of Megumi Yokota who was kidnapped by North Korean agents at age 13 in 1977, passed away. He and his wife, Sakie Yokota, called for the return of theirloving daughter and other abductees for more than 40 years which left a significant impact in Japan and the world in terms of disseminating information about the North Korean abduction. I could never imagine the pain Mr. and Mrs. Yokota suffered for not being able to see Megumi for so long.

In the absence of diplomatic ties between Japan and North Korea, I think that reinforcing coordination with the United States, China and South Korea, countries that can influence North Korea, is vital for pushing forward the issue. Recognizing the North Korean abduction as a "global issue" and putting stronger international pressure on the country could force North Korean leader Kim Jong Un to resolve this human rights violation. As Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga said in his video address to the United Nations General Assembly on September 26, we have no time to lose as the families of the victims continue to age. Prime Minister Suga also said he is ready to meet with Mr. Kim "without any conditions."

As a minor, what I can do for the abduction issue may be limited. However, I believe that delivering messages of the tragedy through this essay and discussing with my friends and other youths abroad could enhance awareness of the issue. Encouraging people to closely watch Pyongyang's development of nuclear weapons and missiles, which pose a threat to the international community, is also important to promote understanding on what kind of a country North Korea is.

Since I spent a part of my childhood in Beijing, I have a great interest in Japan's relations with China and diplomatic issues in broader Asia. I also like South Korean entertainment culture, so I have been studying the Korean and Chinese languages in addition to English. I believe learning the Korean language is a good way to know North Korea's perspectives on the abductions of Japanese nationals, regional security, and other issues. I would like to continue such studies so I can hopefully contribute to a resolution of the abduction issue.

東京都立国際高等学校2年 平野 恵理

北朝鮮による日本人拉致は、長い間二国間で未解決の問題となっています。日本政府は、17 名の日本人を拉致被害者として認定しています。そのうちの5 名については、当時の北朝鮮の指導者・金正日が拉致を認めた2002 年に帰国が実現しました。拉致被害者らは、北朝鮮のスパイに日本の言葉や慣習、文化を教え込むよう強制されていたとされています。拉致は人権や自由を奪う行為であり、北朝鮮政府が人道や国際社会を軽視していることを表しています。

拉致問題の具体的な進展が見られない中、日本は今年、この問題を最も強く訴えてきた方の一人を失いました。1977 年に北朝鮮の工作員によって誘拐された当時13 歳の横田めぐみさんの父、横田滋さんがお亡くなりになったのです。滋さんとその妻・早紀江さんは、40年以上にわたって最愛の娘と他の拉致被害者の帰国を求めてきました。横田さんらの活動は、北朝鮮による拉致問題に関する情報を発信し続けたという点で、日本と世界に大きな影響を与えました。これほど長い間めぐみさんとの再会がかなわず苦悩されてきた横田さんご夫妻の辛さは想像を絶するものがあります。

日本と北朝鮮の間に外交関係がない現状では、米国、中国、韓国等の北朝鮮に影響力を持ち得る国々との連携を強化することが、問題の進展に不可欠であると思います。北朝鮮による拉致問題を「グローバルな問題」として認識し、同国への国際的圧力を一層強めていくことで、北朝鮮の指導者・金正恩に、この人権侵害の解決を迫ることができる可能性があります。9 月26 日、日本の菅義偉首相が国連総会でのビデオ演説で述べたとおり、拉致被害者のご家族がご高齢となる中、拉致問題の解決には一刻の猶予もありません。菅総理は、「条件をつけずに」金正恩委員長と会う用意があるとも述べました。

